In Fionavar, shamen sleep, walk the path of dreams
In the night he learnt to see
And his vision ran most true
From the day they took his eyes
In the dark of his chosen night
Light freed by blinded sight In Fionavar, hunters race, chase across the plain
Summer drought and driving rain
They defend the sacred herd
From its predators and foes.
Shepherd, hunter, life and death;
Sharing birth and taking breath. In Fionavar, dragons dance, light the skies above
In the light they sing of love
And the unicorns race free
Through the woods and hills and dreams.
In the sunrise of a dawning day
Darkness flees and fades away. In Fionavar, dreams come true, I could be with you
In the light we could be free,
And the chains that hold us down
Like summer snow would melt away;
Free from ties of memories,
Conscience flies and love flows free. In Fionavar, I can sleep, walk the path of dreams
In the night I’d be with you
And the vision might prove true
Free from chains of memories.
In the sunrise of a dawning day
Darkness fades and love holds sway In Fionavar