Author Archives: Sue Reynolds
GGK’s Schedule of Appearances for Autumn 2016
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The Once and Future Childslayer by Kathy Cawsey
The Once and Future Childslayer: Guy Gavriel Kay’s Inversion of Malory’s Morte Darthur KATHY CAWSEY, Department of English, Dalhousie University Guy Gavriel Kay’s Fionavar Tapestry interprets Arthur’s return not as a reward or honor, but as a punishment for killing … Continue reading
Review by N.R. Alexander of The Speculative Scotsman
for Tigana “Set in a beleaguered land caught in a web of tyranny, Tigana is the deeply moving story of a people struggling to be free. A people so cursed by the dark sorceries of the tyrant King Brandin that … Continue reading
The Real Thing: High Fantasy for True Fans
Reviewed by Douglas Barbour for The Toronto Star I find it hard to imagine that any other high fantasy published this year – or for the next few if it comes to that – will come close to matching Guy … Continue reading
Review by Joe Milicia, for the New York Review of Science Fiction.
Reprinted with kind permission. “Vollendet das ewige Werk!”-“Completed, the eternal work!”-cries Wotan at first sight of the newly built Valhalla in Wagner’s Das Rheingold. Ideally, that is what the fan of Guy Gavriel Kay should be crying, upon closing the … Continue reading