A Song For Arbonne Art

Click on a cover to see a larger image.

France reprint edition
Artist: leraf Design
Publisher: L’Atalante
US paperback edition. 
Artist: Mel Odom
Publisher: Roc
Canadian trade edition
Artwork by Marie De Sousa
Design by Cathy MacLean
Publisher: Penguin Canada
US hardback edition
Artist: Kinuko Y. Craft
Publisher: Crown
American paperback edition
Artist: Larry Rostant
Design: Ray Lundgren
Publisher: Roc
American trade edition
Artist: David Jermann 
Publisher: Roc
UK edition. The first cover is the hardback edition, the second below is the first paperback edition. Note the subtle differences. The hardcover has the elfin figures around the title. At GGK’s request, these were changed for the trade paperback to more appropriate images and the figure of the priestess was refined and made more ‘finished’.
UK paperback edition
Artist:John Howe
Publisher: Harper Collins/Voyager
German hardback edition
Artist: Boris Vallejo
Publisher: Bechtermünz Verlag & Scherz Verlag
French edition, front and back cover
Artwork is a series of details from 15th century frescoes by Andrea del Castagno, in Florence. Publisher: l’Atalante
UK paperback edition 
Artist: Bill Gregory
Publisher: Earthlight
Croatian edition
Artist: Igor Kordey 
Publisher: Algoritam
Czech edition  
Artist: Martina Pilcerova
Publisher: Talpress
Dutch reprint edition of A Song for Arbonne. The name was changed from Een Lied Voor Arbonne to Een Lofzang Voor Arbonne because apparently Lofzang is a ‘better’ word for ‘song’ in the context of praise or an ode (it means pipe, literally). 
Artist: Adaptation of John Howe cover
Publisher: Meulenhoff
Canadian hardback edition
Artist: Gerard Gauci
Publisher: Viking/Penguin
Canadian re-release edition
Designer: Lisa Jager
Publisher: Penguin

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