And the bell goes…

Catherine Marjoribanks wrote me last night – she’d finished the copy-editing. Added that she had teared up reading, even though in ‘hyper-critical editing mode’. Yes, this pleased me a lot. Can’t imagine why. (I did check with her before mentioning this, she said she was happy to own up to it.)

Here’s a good example of the hyper-critical mode, what copy-editors do. She queried in the quick note whether I wanted councillors or counselors, the men giving counsel to the emperor. I needed to think. Opted for the former, as it focuses on the position, the office, the status (not the act of offering counsel), and in the world of River of Stars that’s key. Is that over-analytical? Not for me … I love that she’s on the case with these things. And that it makes me fine tune my own word choices.

Yesterday was a majorly (!) social day. Coffee with UK agent, lunch with a restaurant full of Penguin authors in for the Festival (and editors, sales directors, marketing people). Of course Charidy and Beth, the tag-team senior marketing duo who got me to Twitter, both tweeted about it. I replied. We got onto cocktails. Of course.

I think I may tweet more about cocktails. After lunch was another sit down with Nicole – President of Penguin Canada and my editor, then the thunderously loud, dense, jammed IFOA cocktail reception. Collapsed at home after to watch baseball and the debate – two sporting events?

But now, as of less than an hour ago, the copy-edited manuscript has been couriered from Sandra at Penguin. (Catherine sent it there electronically this morning.) Massive damned thing, sitting behind me on the second desk here. I do this run-through on paper not on screen. Hard copy. I am aware that Sandra probably rolls her eyes and mutters about Vexing Authors but I really like to see each novel on paper once before it goes to be typeset.

I feel it staring at me as I sit here. I have two red pens with which to defend myself. Am ready to turn and do battle…

Handle With Care


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